Here is all you need to know about the NFTs in Age of Battles

I. Forge Your Hero to Immortality


  1. Lifetime PRO Battle Pass for free: Unlock endless adventures and exclusive content with perpetual access to future battle passes.

  2. 50% Bonus Event Currency from Special Events Tournaments: Boost your in-game earnings to unlock even more amazing rewards, upgrade your battle deck, increase your chances of reaching the top of leaderboards in upcoming Special Events Tournaments, and earn USDC.

  3. As NFT HOLDER, you will have access to our future TOKEN PRIVATE SALE and be among our investors.

  4. Exclusive Entry to Special Events Tourmanets : Become part of a prestigious group of competitors by accessing exclusive events and contests featuring USDC rewards!

  5. Lend your NFT for a passive income. Each holder would lend his NFT to a player for a specific amount of $AOB.

How to obtain?

Getting your hands on NFTs in the game is easy! Firstly, as you progress through the main game, reaching level 80 with an elite battle pass will earn you a free NFT instantly.

Secondly, dive into our Open Challenge tournaments, where the prize pool is packed with NFTs for top players to claim on the spot.

Lastly, keep an eye out for our in-game Mint campaign, allowing you to snag NFTs with FIAT via the Apple Store and Google Play. So, whether you're battling it out or exploring new realms, there are plenty of ways to score those coveted NFTs!

Last updated